You always need an easy way to develop simple web tools to assist on your testing. Ruby on Rails provide that simple framework. Not too much overhead of installation and deployment, as well as simple setup to get your local webpages running. Today, I will walk through how you can set this up in window 10.
- First, you need to setup Ubuntu in your PC. (Read here to see how you can do it)
- Open up a Ubuntu shell
- Check if your ruby is install. If not, do #apt install ruby
- I usually install the rvm on top so I can manage my ruby version and gemsets: #
curl -sSL | bash -s stable --rails
- Get the nodejs, sqlite3 # apt install sqlite3
- #sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
- incase if step 4 didn’t install your rails, do the #gem install rails
- Create your new rails app #rails new app
- cd app
- rails server
Now open browser, and go to localhost:3000
you will see:
#1 You need to shutdown your IIS, if localhost is taken and you will not able to start your rails server.
#2 Git your changes!