Hello world! to software testing – to become a QA Engineer

Dear CS Students

For all the computer science new grads trying to search for your first dream job, you should consider to be a software QA engineer (software testing 101!).    To be a great and successful software QA engineer, beside that you need to be good in coding and algorithms (MUST), you also need to have the following skills:

  1. good at writing “test” to test your own code.
  2. know how to increase your personal throughput by creating a lot of “automation“.
  3. know how to build relationships within different organizations of the entire company.
  4. willing to take blame when even when you didn’t make a mistake.
  5. communication, soft skills, and dealing with people in general.
  6. know how to ASK the right questions.
  7. you need to be very organized.  All other engineers depend on your help to get things in order.
  8. know how to put your own thinking into product requirements.
  9. know how to manage quality, timeline and deliverable of a software product.
  10. FINALLY, more about communication, which I don’t mean by writing good grammatically correct documentation.  But know how to get your thoughts across to other people that are NOT engineers.

Being an QA engineer will allows you to learn to expert on items above.   Now, along with your superior coding skill, it will get you to the top of the engineering world.

I really like this short film “Alike” directed byDaniel Martinez Lara and Rafa Cano Mendez.  It teaches everyone in order for you stand out of a packed group of people, you need to be different, like this short film:

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