Setup Automation using Selenium/Ruby Mini-Test in 10 minutes (step by step) The assumption is that you are using a MAC…. (sorry PC users)
- Download a webdriver (in this case, I am getting a chrome driver: . Make sure you set the PATH which you where your webdriver was install to.
- get rvm (which is to set your ruby version, and get different gems (ruby libraries)
- install the following gem libraries:
- gem install minitest (Mini Test framework for all the assert)
- gem install selenium-webdriver (this is pretty obvious)
- Now create a test_login_file.rb like the following code, then run: ruby test_login_file.rb
require "minitest/autorun" require "selenium-webdriver" class TestLogin < Minitest::Test def setup @driver=Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome "" end def test_login_correct @driver.find_element(:id,"login").send_keys "username" @driver.find_element(:id,"password").send_keys "password" @driver.find_element(:id,"submit").click sleep (1) if @driver.find_elements(:id,"logins").size <= 0 assert false, "Bad Login" else assert_match "success",ps, "Page Failed" end end end
Now there you go with your first automation test! easy?
Okay, I guess I still own you some explainationThe setup function basically tells your program to start chrome browser and go to url “”. find_element is part of the function within the webdriver class, which do different thing within your browser window (you can find all the reference here:
Each Minitest class represents 1 test case.